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Mark is a senior leader who speaks with clarity and confidence, he has 25+ years of developing the potential of teams while creatively and collaboratively reframing situations without an obvious solution. A dynamic communicator, his background as an international development humanitarian reveals a passion to build healthy organizations in North America and around the world.


Mark comes alive when he can listen intently and creatively speak challenge to long-held limiting beliefs in people who seek an inspired future.

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My Story

During the last 25 years I have trained over 25 000 people into international work. I have served as the Short Term Mission chair at the EFC global mission roundtable. I teach STM beginners and masters level college courses. And I have lead multi-million dollar development projects in Congo and Haiti.

I established STM Team Leader Certification to share a new standard of excellence with other leaders. I train leaders for Samaritans Purse, The Pentecostal Assemblies, The Christian and Missionary Alliance, The E Free Church, The Baptists, and countless agencies.

Are you looking to make a difference in the world? Have you travelled and spent time with the poor? Maybe you have been inspired by STM and maybe you are concerned about how STM can hurt people. There is a standard of STM excellence, Join the community of leaders who are making a real global difference!

My goal is to show you what works for other STM leaders in the hope that it will work for you too.

Grow Your Mission.

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