Why Enroll in Our Programs?
Designed for mission leaders
All good leaders learn from their mistakes, great leaders learn from the mistakes of others. Our courses are practical and relevant to the needs of todays short term mission leaders
Simple Online Enrollment
Join a cohort of leaders from across North America. Our model builds community and serves leaders with years of experience and first-timers
Experience Matters
What sets us apart is our practical, pragmatic and informed of team leadership training. We know short term teams.
About Mission Certification
We empower short term mission leaders to change the world
STM Leader was founded with one central mission in mind: growing the ability of short term mission team leaders to change the world.
We bring together participants from all walks of life. Our immersive programs provide unique opportunities for personal growth and development. This translates to great mission by great teams.
Our training is supportive and specific. Participants leave feeling fulfilled and inspired. Are you ready to take action?
Come join the leaders.
Our Training
Every team is unique, we provide the tools for yours. Share ideas, questions and resources with fellow STM leaders. Stop struggling and access the resources you need. Now.
En Route, but aren't we all.